3. Matrices

Linear Algebra

Weiqi Zhou

Linear combinations as maps

  • fix

  • given , form the linear combination

  • viewing coefficients as an vector,this induces an map:


  • fix

  • for any , there is the linear combination

  • which produces the map:


  • fix ,writing these column vectors from left to right in order, we obtain an (real) matrix

  • the set of all real matrices if often denoted by

  • Typically we use capital letters (e.g., ) for matrices, and for the entry at the intersection of the -th (from top down) row and -th (from left to right) column in

Multiplying a vector

  • given an matrix with columns

  • let

  • we define the multiplication to be the linear combination


It is a modern concise notation for linear combination


  • Compute the following multiplications:

Dimensions must align

an matrix can only be applied to an vector

an matrix can not be multiplied with an vector if



a linear map commutes with vector addition and scalar multiplication


Matrices are representations of linear maps

Transforming linear systems

  • There are some some rabbits and chicken in the barn. What will be their respective numbers if there are 94 legs and 35 heads in total?

  • rewrite as


  • given an matrix with columns

  • swapping its rows and columns, we obtain a new matrix with rows

  • this new matrix is denoted by , and apparently

Multiplication from left

  • given an matrix ,and and row vector

  • define to be

  • again the dimension shall align


  • Compute the following multiplications:

Symmetric matrices

  • a matrix is called symmetric if

  • apparently symmetric matrices are square matrices (i.e., with equal number of rows and columns)

  • given an square matrix , the line from top left to bottom right consisting is called the main diagonal of

  • symmetric entries are symmetric w.r.t the main diagonal

Examples and non-examples

  • is symmetric, while is not

  • The main diagonal of is


find , at least one of which is non-zero and , again at least one of which is non-zero, so that the following holds


  • Are the following two maps injective? In general, when is injective?


  • Matrices and notations

  • Multiplying with column vectors and its implications

  • Matrix transpose and symmetricity