12. Applications

Calculus 1

Weiqi Zhou

Newton's Method

  • suppose that ,and is differentiable near

  • take an arbitrary near as the initial value, and recursively compute:


  • find a solution of

  • let ,then


  • if ,then

  • take as the initial value we get


take as the initial value, use the Newton's method to find a solution of


the method need not converge, but when it does, it converges fast

Finite differences

  • let , we have
    forward difference:
    backward difference:

    central difference:

Second Order Difference

Motivations for Curvature

  • need a scalar to describe how ''flat'' a curve is

  • lines are flat, they should be assigned the value

  • the larger the radius of a circle, the flatter it is, hence the value should have a negative dependence on the radius

  • consider particle motions on a curve, the less angles of tangent lines change, the flatter the curve should be

Arc Length Derivatives

  • suppose that is continuously differentiable on

  • for each ,let be the arc length of the curve for

  • being differentiabl implies that it locally changes almost linearly as

Definition of the Curvature

  • suppose that a particle moves on a smooth curve at constant speed, starting from

  • after time it traveled distances , the change of angles of tangent lines is

  • the average curvature within time is

  • the curvature at is


  • find the curvature at each point on a circle of radius

  • if the angular velocity is ,then the distance it travled is ,the change of angles is

Computation of Curvatures

  • given a smooth curve , find the curvature at each point

  • suppose that the angle of the tangent line at is ,then ,and . Thus , the arc length derivative is

Computation of Curvatures

  • if the curve is given instead by

  • details omitted and left as an exercise

Curvature Formulas


  • find the curvature of the hyperbola at


  • at which point on is the curvature maximized?

  • at which points on the ellipse are curvatures maximized/minimized?


  • Newton's method and its convergence

  • Finite differences

  • Curvature